
New Year... New Goals!

What better time to talk about goal setting than the start of the New Year.  I know I have updated my long-term goals, breaking them down to more attainable short-term goals that can help me stay on track towards success.  This way of reaching goals and making progress can also be used when it comes to renovating and updating your home.  Thinking you need to change up your living space but the big task seems a bit overwhelming?  Break down all that you want to do and make a list, prioritizing by importance to you, and slowly cross each task off as its completed.  Paint, updated energy-efficient hard treatments for windows, new draperies, new furniture, etc… when completed and crossed off your list, will leave you with a whole new living space, and because you did it using a step-by-step (short-term goal) approach, will help the overall long term renovation goal seem less daunting and will also help with the pocket book as well… double bonus!  So dream big and start making steps towards seeing those dreams become reality… It will happen!